About Us


Advocating for The Comforter's Legacy.

Championing the Comforter’s Vision through a robust annual program of action, delivering sustainable livelihoods.

The International Pentecost Holiness Church (IPHC) was established on 14 September 1962 by His Grace Comforter Frederick Modise, following the Calling of the Word that healed him and proclaimed, “The name of those that shall follow you will be known as the International Pentecost Holiness Church (IPHC).”


On the occasion of his 80th birthday, he dedicated this milestone to South Africa’s first democratic elections and introduced the concept of Church Economic Empowerment.

“…Ho Sebeletsa Modimo Ke Ho Sebeletsa Motho eo o sa mo tsebeng…” A naa O ka rata Modimo jwang, ha o sitoa ke hore o rate Motho eo o mmonang…”
Hi Grace Comforter F.S Modise - The Founder

The baton of the Spiritual Calling to lead the flock of the IPHC passed to the second Patriarch, His Grace Comforter Modise Glayton Modise, father of the Patron of this Foundation, His Grace Comforter Frederick Leonard G. ModiseFrederick II. This transition fulfilled the proclamation that Comforter FS made on the day of Frederick II’s birth: He pounded his chest, gazed upon the newborn, and declared…
“…Ona Ke Nna…” “…This One is my embodiment…” The Oxford dictionary defines Theology as …”the study of the nature of God and religious belief…” and further continues …”…”in Christian theology, God comes to be conceived as Father and Son…”

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Our key focus areas as a Foundation are inspired by our FSMGFLG Modise heritage, teachings, and exhortations, emphasizing that faith only truly manifests through deeds: “…Tumelo e se nang mesebetsi e shoele…”

From our first Patriarch (Founder) and subsequently Comforter MG Modise, we have been a self-sustaining community. This tradition began with the construction of our first formal church structure in Zone 10 Meadowlands in the 1970s, Jerusalem City in Oskraal in the 1980s, and Nazareth in Lobotlwane. The penultimate SILO in 1991, nicknamed “…The Vatican City of Gauteng…” by our former Gauteng Premier, Mme Nomvula Mokonyane, epitomizes our philosophy of the Kibbutz—a spiritual Letsema—tithing through skills plough-back.

Our church structures have been built by IPHC members for IPHC members, demonstrating our commitment to self-sufficiency and community. As those who came before us have said, “…if this is a bull, we haven’t seen its full torso yet, it has only just revealed its tail…”

Having reached our 60th anniversary in 2022 and anticipating our centenary in four decades time, the best tribute I can pay to the FSMGFLG Modise and IPHC legacy is to champion the FLG Empire Vision. Our goal is to ensure that the IPHC and FSMGFLG Modise legacy is sustainably cemented and that we become a true beacon of hope to the communities that host us, including villages, townships, and cities.